We operate a 24/7, walk-in Urgent Care Centre (UCC) in AH providing emergency services to patients.
Our UCC is well equipped to handle medical emergencies, transfers, and referrals. We receive patients from other acute hospitals, or from GPs and polyclinics.
Patients are under the care of an Emergency Medicine Specialist who is supported by a team of medical officers and nurses who are trained in urgent care.
Upon triage, patients will be classified into Priority 1, Priority 2, or Priority 3. We provide care based on the severity of the patient's illness.
Within the UCC, Priority 3 patients are seen in the Ambulatory area. Priority 1 and 2 patients are seen in the non-Ambulatory area. After the patient is stabilized, they may be admitted to the wards in AH or transferred to NUH Emergency Medicine Department for further care. Those who require longer periods of care (more than 8 hours but less than 24 hours) are transferred to the Extended Diagnostic Treatment Unit (EDTU) for further treatment and observation.
Emergency Facilities
Emergency Services
Head & Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Director, Life Support Services, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Senior Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Associate Consultant, Urgent Care Centre, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Location: Zone A, Level 1, A01-05
Opening hours: 24 hours