The Division of Otolaryngology specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck. This includes conditions such as tinnitus, obstructive sleep apnoea and head and neck cancers.
We offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of our patients, including:
We are committed to providing high quality, patient centric and value-based care. Please contact us.
Head & Senior Consultant, Division of Otolaryngology, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Otolaryngology
Consultant, Division of Otolaryngology, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Otolaryngology
Consultant, Division of Otolaryngology, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Otolaryngology
Consultant, Division of Otolaryngology, Alexandra Hospital
Specialty: Otolaryngology
Phone: +65 6379 3230
Location: Zone C, C01-01, ENT Centre
Operating Hours: 8.30am to 6.00 pm (Mondays to Fridays)
Email: [email protected]