
Learning to be an Alex Nurse

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Learning with Tang Yang Yew

Tang Yang Yew is a staff nurse at Alex, currently working in the ICU. He has a special interest in palliative care and plans to further his studies in this field in the next few years, and make this pilot-turned-nurse calling, his port of call.

"My experience (of working at AH) has been good. The culture here is different and fun, where the hierarchy is not as emphasized as teamwork and camaraderie. So far I've felt very supported and people are willing to share their knowledge and look out for me. I've been assigned a mentor and she has been very helpful in helping me to grow."

His interest in cancer management and care led him to the palliative ward when he first joined AH. Even though he only had had a six-month tenure then, he had found the greatest fulfillment in taking care of his patients then, and it turned out to be a life-changing moment and great learning experience at that time.

"One key point of my learning is that we are to be better in all that we do, for our patients and their loved ones, to deliver care which I would want for my own. The best advice I have received so far, would be to not just focus on the end goal. Focus on the process and one thing at a time, making yourself better skilled, moment by moment, day by day.."

Inspirational Talks with Rizam

Currently working as a staff nurse in the rehabilitation ward, Rizam has always wanted to make a difference in people's lives. He believes simple acts such as greeting someone, help to make this world a better and more positive place, and can really make someone's day, if not bring on a smile. .

"It has been a good workplace for me because there are a lot of opportunities they are providing me with, such as programmes, upgrading courses are all but a few of the many important and wonderful opportunities even as a junior staff nurse, I have been exposed to I think everyday is different and I believe that new things can be learnt each day."

For him, AH is also his second home. His peers and superiors have made him feel welcome in his tenure of a little over two years, during which he has been able to learn a lot.

"When you're a student, you're really unsure what you're doing because you don't know the protocol, and the scary feeling of asking around is always there. Comparing AH to other hospitals, I think AH is a new hospital and charged with innovating and redesigning new areas and breaking new ground, on the healthcare horizon, with new development for the staff and protocols. There is never a dull moment nor day. I am so excited to be here at the right place, right time, at the threshold of change."

His greatest belief is that nurses need mental strength more than anything else.. It is absolutely essential to have the ability and grit to cope with different and difficult situations and make quick decisions accordingly.

"Everyday we learn new stuff. It's part of the reason why I chose nursing. Each day sees a different set of patients, diagnosis and care. The training I received at Alex so far surpassed my expectations, and it holds true to its original intent as a public healthcare facility, to train us up to be all-rounded nurses, ready to brace ourselves for anything which may come our way.

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National University Health System
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  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
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  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
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  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
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