Alexandra Hospital will be transformed and redeveloped into a bigger campus by 2028, with more facilities and greater accessibility for all, integrating community and green spaces linked to the rail corridor. It is Singapore's first Integrated General Hospital with a full suite of holistic and seamless care from acute, sub-acute to rehabilitative settings, reducing the need for a patient to transfer to another healthcare institution.
The new AH is the first public hospital redeveloped after the Covid-19 pandemic. It responds to growing needs of an ageing Singapore and is pandemic and future-proof for the health and care needs of tomorrow. It is a well-integrated, well-zoned, green and sustainable campus with zero carbon and the most energy efficient, smart hospital and campus with its peaks in medical excellence. It also leads in physical care, new roles of nurses and caregivers, a care model which is resource-efficient (including manpower savings).
AH is now the site for staging innovative health and care as well as person-centric solutions with a view to enabling best practices to be scoped, shared and scaled with the help of technological advancements. Together with the community, AH strives to bring about seamless integrated care beyond discharge, and enabling continuity of care anchored in the safety and comfort of the home and community.
By 2028, the new campus will be fully integrated with the larger Queenstown community, providing greater accessibility for patients and their families. It will be an Integrated General Hospital with a full suite of hospital services, and six peaks of excellence in Integrated Care, Geriatric Medicine, Supportive and Palliative Care Medicine, Rehabilitative Medicine, Psychological Medicine, Ambulatory Surgery. The new Alexandra Campus, will have more beds and facilities to care for a larger and growing population in Queenstown and beyond. AH will also play a key role in the Health District@Queenstown and Healthier Sg. AH will also strengthen the link with the community, bridge the divide between health and social care and enable easier access to care, with strong focus on general medicine, geriatric medicine, palliative care, rehabilitation medicine, psychiatry and generalist surgery.
Alexandra Hospital and the Rail Corridor will be well-integrated in design and will promote active living and biodiversity. In the approved URA Masterplan, there will be seamless connectivity across AH and its surrounding communities, and AH will be a healthcare campus designed with and for the community - age-friendly community and green spaces will be strategically linked to the Rail Corridor. This will include cycling or walkthrough paths with heritage trail and memory markers of the hospital's rich history.